CAYA Wardrobes
Modern and unique design
The combination of elegant, matt glass applications in white and the natural effects of solid, brushed oak heartwood creates a modern and cosy living experience.
In addition, the expressive end grain applications with their individual cracks and features give the CAYA range its unique character.

A modern mix of materials

Unique authenticity

Clever functions
Umato oak heartwood
For manufacturing our Umato heartwood oak surfaces, planks of wood are first selected from the heartwood area of the oak trunk. These heartwood planks depict typical characteristics, e.g. heartwood splits and splay knots. The assorted products are then stored before drying for several days in a special chamber where they pass through a smoking process. During this process, the wood is solid coloured and as a result, it gains an even dark colouring. The character of old oak logs emerges.
Oak heartwood is a traditional furniture wood. Umato oak heartwood becomes slightly lighter as it ages. This is hardly noticeable because the change happens so slowly.
Two layers of very matt UV water-based paint are applied to the intensively brushed wood. The surface is sanded down after every procedure. Wax is applied as the last layer.